About Us
CESA (Computing for Environmental and Social Advocacy) is a multidisciplinary student organization focused on harnessing computer science to solve societal problems. Our motto is "Technology for the Global Good".
Join us as we tackle everything from social injustice to environmental pollution to unethical software – and more.
Initiatives / What We Do
Tackling Unethical and Unsafe Software
Designing, auditing, and fixing software that is either purposely malicious or is inherently biased towards particular groups of people. Pursuing robust cybersecurity by ensuring technology is safe and secure.
Increasing Digital Awareness
Spreading the word about the benefits and drawbacks of technology in today’s increasingly interconnected society. Bridging the digital divide to ensure that everyone, regardless of their age, gender, background, or coding experience has access to the latest technology.
Creating apps and software to help better track the health of the environment and encouraging people and businesses to follow sustainable consumption practices.
Join our endeavor today. Click on the Projects tab to learn more about what we do and sign up under the Info tab or below.
Our advisors help guide the general direction of the club and lend their expertise and experience to member projects.
Dr. Nathan Brunelle
A professor from University of Washington's Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science who advises the club in ethical computing and increasing digital awareness.
E: brunelle@cs.washington.edu -
Dr. Kurtis Heimerl
A professor from University of Washington's Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science who advises the club in sustainable computing and corporate partnerships.
E: kheimerl@cs.washington.edu -
Dr. Lisa Graumlich
A professor from University of Washington's School of the Environment who advises the club on conservation and social impact.
E: graumlic@uw.edu