About Us

CESA (Computing for Environmental and Social Advocacy) is a multidisciplinary student organization focused on harnessing computer science to solve societal problems. Our motto is "Technology for the Global Good".

Join us as we tackle everything from social injustice to environmental pollution to unethical software – and more.

Initiatives / What We Do

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    Tackling Unethical and Unsafe Software

    Designing, auditing, and fixing software that is either purposely malicious or is inherently biased towards particular groups of people. Pursuing robust cybersecurity by ensuring technology is safe and secure.

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    Increasing Digital Awareness

    Spreading the word about the benefits and drawbacks of technology in today’s increasingly interconnected society. Bridging the digital divide to ensure that everyone, regardless of their age, gender, background, or coding experience has access to the latest technology.

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    Creating apps and software to help better track the health of the environment and encouraging people and businesses to follow sustainable consumption practices.

Join our endeavor today. Click on the Projects tab to learn more about what we do and sign up under the Info tab or below.


Our advisors help guide the general direction of the club and lend their expertise and experience to member projects.

  • Professor Nathan Brunelle

    Dr. Nathan Brunelle

    A professor from University of Washington's Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science who advises the club in ethical computing and increasing digital awareness.

    E: brunelle@cs.washington.edu

  • Kurtis Heimerl

    Dr. Kurtis Heimerl

    A professor from University of Washington's Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science who advises the club in sustainable computing and corporate partnerships.

    E: kheimerl@cs.washington.edu

  • Lisa Graumlich

    Dr. Lisa Graumlich

    A professor from University of Washington's School of the Environment who advises the club on conservation and social impact.

    E: graumlic@uw.edu



As part of CESA's enduring committment to transparency, all administrative files are open to the public. To access our internal meeting files as well as our event calendar, please sign up to be a member (link under Info tab).


  1. Quarterly Report

    Winter 2025

    In this first quarterly report, we celebrate our massive membership growth since our founding in 2023, our first published project, and our first partnership.
    We also acknowledge newly acquired sources of funding and give a huge shout-out to our faculty advisers.


  1. Amendments

    November 2023

    Amendments to the constitution, proposed and ratified by members.

  2. Constitution

    November 2023

    Here we lay out the bylaws of our organization, as well as its vision,
    goals, and values.

Meeting Minutes, Resources, and Member Announcements (Restricted)

Progress Tracker

Each year, we track and measure our progress in four key areas: Making Impact, Driving Innovation, Building Partnerships, and Fostering Community. The numbers are reset to 0% at the end of a membership cycle.

Progress is approximately the number of finished tasks in a particular area compared to all planned tasks. To learn more about how we measure progress, send an inquiry under the Info tab.

  • Making Impact
  • Driving Innovation
  • Building Partnerships
  • Fostering Community


Here you'll find projects we're currently working on and projects we've already published. As a member, you will be able to join any existing project or create your own!


Queries and Info

CESA was started in 2023 with the mission of tying computing-driven solutions to real-word environmental and social issues. Members are pioneers with strong technical expertise, a passion to create change, and a vision to use the two together.

Join us today:


CESA has been led by Shreyan Mitra since 2023, when he founded the club. Our club structure allows all members and advisers to take part in key decisions. Below is the CESA Officer Board:

Kaira Nair

VP of Membership, Communications, and Partnerships


Jacqueline Wu

VP of Meeting Management and Member Experience


Tamara Jaber



Shreyan Mitra


Opportunities for Collaboration

If you are an organization/company in the computer science or environmental space and would like to collaborate with us, please feel free to contact cesa@uw.edu with the subject “CESA Collaboration”. Donations are also greatly appreciated. To discuss potential funding plans, contact cesa@uw.edu with the subject “CESA Funding”.

Contact Form

Use the form below if you have any queries. Do NOT send any membership requests through this form.